
Cats vs dogs – pet population per UK region

Figures revealed by OnBuy.com examine the percentage of cats and dogs owned as pets per UK region.

A pet is not only a cuddly companion, but studies have shown that owning a pet is linked to a decrease in depression, anxiety and stress.

Whilst most Brits don’t need convincing that they should own a pet, there is to some extend a nationwide debate of if you’re a dog or cat person. To explore this topic further, OnBuy.com has examined the percentage of cats and dogs per region of the UK.

OnBuy.com used figures from Pet Food Manufactures Association (PFMA) from 2018, comparing the percentage of households across the UK that own cats and dogs.

The region with the highest percentage of homes with pet dogs is Northern Ireland with 35% and in second place is the North East of England with 33%, whilst the East Midlands takes third spot, with 31% displaying their affecting for dogs.

At the other end of the scale, the region with the lowest percentage of households owning a pet dog is in London, with just 9%. However, perhaps unsurprising given the cosmopolitan and urban feel of the city, with limited interior space and lack of green areas.

Sitting second from the bottom is the East of England (21%), closely followed by Yorkshire and the Humber with 22%.

In contrast, when considering the number of Brits who own cats, it seems that those living in Wales and the South West take the top spot with 22% respectively. Closely followed by the South East and East Midlands, as figures show that 20% of homes in these regions are open cat lovers.

The regions with the least cat owners are Scotland, the North-East and London, all with just 14%. However, although the percentage for London is at 14%, the capital quite clearly prefers over dogs as only 9% of homes in the city own a dog.



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