
Will you be dressing your dog up for Instagram this Halloween?

Halloween is nearly here and while so many of the usual celebrations won’t be happening this year, it might still be fun to celebrate as a bubble.

However, coronavirus restrictions are affecting your area, dressing up in terrifying costumes and carving pumpkins will still be great fun for the whole family.

But how can you make sure it is as much fun for your dog?

Training and behaviour specialist for Agria Pet Insurance, Carolyn Menteith, shares her tips on how to see Halloween from your dog’s perspective.

Carolyn said: “As always once you stop to think about things from your dog’s point of view – you’ll soon realise just how scary Halloween can be. First of all, there are the costume. All the people the dog knows and trusts suddenly turn into ghosts, witches and zombies. They look strange, behave oddly and for a dog, who looks at outlines and not details, they can be truly frightening.

“Some dogs can take this in their stride, get into the spirit of the celebrations, and enjoy the apparent madness of it all, but for many, it is a very confusing and worrying time. Make sure if you are going to dress up, you let your dog see you do it – and give them a chance to investigate and smell you so they know it is really you. The same goes for all the rest of the family.

“Then there is the temptation to dress up your dog and make them part of your Halloween fun and social media story. And while this is your fun – it definitely won’t be theirs. Most dogs will happily wear a Halloween bandana and enjoy showing that off – but every year social media is full of photos of dressed-up dogs looking stressed, worried or just really fed up while their owners post about how much fun they had. Don’t let this be you.

“As well as not being enjoyable for most dogs, costumes can block sight, sound or movement, or even cause them to overheat or itch – all of which can result in dogs acting unpredictably or even aggressively.

“Finally, remember that chocolate is toxic for dogs, so keep human treats out of reach of doggie noses! If you really want to involve your dog in Halloween, some special dog treats can make their Halloween as much fun as yours. Do enjoy Halloween, have a fabulous time but make sure that your dog enjoys it just as much.”

For more tips and advice visit the Agria Pet Insurance blog here.








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