


Expert tips on how to reduce hay fever symptoms in dogs...

Hayfever season is in full swing and according to the Met Office, the pollen forecast over the next five days is high. Dog owners may not be aware that dogs can suffer from hay fever too. As a result, Pooch & Mutt’s in house Veterinary Surgeon, Dr Linda Simon, shares vital advice...
Companion Life

Everything you need to know about dogs with blue eyes

Have you ever wondered why it’s so rare to see a dog with blue eyes? Only around 5% of dogs have blue eyes, with brown being the most common eye colour. Although all dogs are beautiful, breeds with classic icy-blue eyes are particularly captivating. Blue eyes are striking, elegant, and expressive in a...
Companion Life

Top tips for autumn walks with your dog

Autumn is a great time to get outside to enjoy nature with your four-legged friend. While walking your dog, it’s important to be aware of how to keep them safe. To help pet owners keep their dog's safe this autumn on walks, we share some top tips: Change walking routine With changes...
Companion Life

Advice from the expert: Caring for Fancy Mice

By Emma Purnell, RVN Cert.Nut Fancy Mice are fascinating pets to own, both active and fun to watch, but have specific care requirements. Fancy mice generally live up to 3 years which is a fairly short life span but still a significant commitment. They are very social animals and must live...
Companion Life

Why do pets moult?

Although moulting in pets is natural, the amount of fur coming off your pet can sometimes seem never-ending! And with the seasons about to change, you may see even more fur around the house. Luckily, PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing is on hand to explain why and when pets moult...
Companion Life

A guide to probiotics for pets….

Like humans, the majority of a dog and cat’s immune system resides in their gut. The gut is the largest immune organ in the body, which also digests and absorbs food. It is populated by trillions of bacteria collectively called Microflora, which support a dog or cat’s digestive function. The...
Companion Life

Harnessing the power of essential oils to calm your dog during...

A recent study by researchers at the University of Lincoln has found that dogs commonly experience excitement (56%), anxiety (48%), and nausea (44%) when travelling in a car. The situation is worse in fuel-powered cars than in electric vehicles, with the study showing that dogs’ heart rates reduced significantly when they were...
Companion Life

Top tips to calm pets during thunderstorms

During summer months, warm weather can often lead to thunderstorms. For some pets these can be stressful, due to the loud claps of thunder. Thunderstorms are a common reason for dogs or cats to become stressed and signs of this can include trembling, shaking, hiding, becoming more vocal and sometimes...
Companion Life

Advice from the expert: Spotting signs of dental problems in rabbits

Emma Purnell, RVN Cert.Nut. One of the most common and potentially complicated issues in rabbits are dental problems, but spotting these problems isn’t always the easiest. Rabbit dentition is unusual with incisors (and smaller peg teeth) at the front of the mouth and visible, with rows of cheek teeth (molars)...
Companion Life

Q&A with Vet, Dr Kirsten Ronngren DVM MRCVS

Summer is a great time to spend quality time outdoors with pets, however hot temperatures can be challenging for our four-legged friends and it’s important to ensure they remain cool and happy. Vet, Dr Kirsten Ronngren has answered our top summer questions to help pet owners care for their furry...
Companion Life

Caring for your horse

Owning and caring for a horse is great fun and extremely rewarding. However, it’s also a big responsibility and takes a lot of commitment. Horses can live well into their thirties and take a lot of care, work and money. Every horse is different and there is no one size...
Companion Life


Expert tips on how to reduce hay fever symptoms in dogs as pollen levels soar

Hayfever season is in full swing and according to the Met Office, the pollen forecast over the next five days is high. Dog owners may...

Experts reveal dangers in the garden and safe alternatives for your veg patch 

The garden is a great place for pets and owners alike to relax and exercise – however, research shows around 7.8 million dogs in...

How to keep your pet calm at the vet

Going to the vets is essential in keeping your pet healthy. That’s why it’s so important to schedule and attend regular appointments.  Sadly, for some...

The best gadgets to have if you leave your pet alone in your rental

Being a pet owner has numerous perks, but it also comes with a few hurdles, especially if you live in a rental. For one,...

Hitting the road with your dog squad

Taking a trip with your dog can turn an average journey into an epic road trip. But, when you've got more than one furry...
Companion Life

Hitting the road with your dog squad

Taking a trip with your dog can turn an average journey into an epic road trip. But, when you've got more than one furry co-pilot, it's not just about cramming them all into the car.  You've got to make sure every one of them is safe, happy, and well looked after...