
Top tips to calm pets during thunderstorms

During summer months, warm weather can often lead to thunderstorms. For some pets these can be stressful, due to the loud claps of thunder.

Thunderstorms are a common reason for dogs or cats to become stressed and signs of this can include trembling, shaking, hiding, becoming more vocal and sometimes even aggressive.

Storm anxiety amongst pets is a common problem, especially dogs who donā€™t like loud or sudden noises, like thunder. To help keep pets calm during a thunderstorm, we share some top tips:

Stay calm yourself

Itā€™s important to stay calm yourself during the thunder and lightning as pets can pick up on your stress and this could cause further anxiety for them. Try to ignore the thunderclaps as much as you can and do not react.

Close windows and curtains

Block out the noise by closing windows and curtains in your home, this can help to reduce the impact and block out any flashes of light.

Provide a den

Some pets may want to take themselves off during times of stress. Create a den or safe space for your pet to retreat to if they get anxious. This can help increase their sense of security. Make sure itā€™s not too far from the family so you can keep checking on them to make sure they are ok. Place their food and water bowls close by, should they need them.


To help keep your pet calm during a thunderstorm you could distract them with their favourite toys or treats. Try some fun games that will keep your pet occupied during the storm, using positive rewards. Treat puzzles are a great way to keep your pet occupied.

Use background noise

Turn up the TV or radio to help create background noise and drown out the sound of the thunder. You could play some calming music that can help reduce any stress for your pet. There may be some channels on YouTube who play calming music for pets, during thunderstorms or fireworks season.

Keep pets indoors

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and if you know there are going to be thunderstorms that day, keep your pet indoors. Try to walk your dog before the thunderstorm is expected. Make sure you have plenty of litter trays in the home for cats who usually like to go outside.


Getting your dog or cat used to the sounds of thunderstorms could help them cope better when they happen out of the blue. Playing sounds of thunder in the background while playing with them with a toy could help to desensitise them to the noises. However, if they donā€™t seem to be responding well donā€™t make them continue.

Close windows and doors

Make sure there are no escape routes for your dog or cat should they get spooked. Sometimes when they are scared dogs may run-off. Close all doors and windows and check the garden for possible escape routes.

Donā€™t shout or punish your pet

If your pet does anything they shouldnā€™t it is due to stress so donā€™t punish them as this could lead to further anxiety.

Natural calming support

Many vets recommend a natural calmer like, Nutracalm, Adaptil plug-ins or Thundershirts to help calm pets during times of stress and anxiety.

Speak to your vet

If your pet has severe anxiety speak to your vet who is best placed to offer advice on treatment and possible behaviour training techniques and seek advice from your vet.


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