
Daredevil grandmother to undertake Wing Walk in memory of husband and dog who transformed his life

On 3 May, the birthday of her late husband David, 84-year-old Belinda Day is set to undertake a daring Wing Walk at Old Warden near Bedford to raise money for Canine Partners, a charity that provides assistance dogs to people living with disability.

Belinda was inspired to raise funds for the charity after her husband was paired with a canine partner ten years ago to help with his everyday activities, which were made difficult by his many disabling illnesses. Crunchie, a labradoodle with a massive character, brought a new lease of life to David’s existence.

Sadly, Crunchie became ill and had to be put to sleep in 2022, which left David devastated as he had lost his helper and friend. After David’s death, Belinda decided to raise money in his and Crunchie’s memory to help Canine Partners continue their work in providing life-transforming dogs to people with disabilities.

Belinda said: “After David’s passing, I knew I wanted to do something to honour his memory and support the charity that had brought so much joy and independence to our lives. I’ve seen firsthand how these amazing dogs can transform lives. 

“I know it sounds like a crazy idea, especially at the age of 84, but I’m determined to take on this challenge to support a cause that means so much to me. Ten years ago, at the age of 74, I did a Sky Dive to raise money for Canine Partners, and I’m hoping that this new challenge will be just as successful in raising funds and awareness for this wonderful organisation.

“I’ve set myself a target of £5,000 – whether you can donate a little or a lot, every penny counts.”

Canine Partners’ dogs are specially trained to help with everyday tasks such as opening and closing doors, unloading the washing machine, picking up dropped items, pressing buttons and switches, and fetching help in an emergency. The dogs also provide psychological and social benefits, including increased independence, confidence, social interaction, and self-esteem.

For more information and to donate, please visit www.justgiving.com/page/belinda-day-1707325792822


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