
Outdoor dog specialists reveal why your dog needs boots in summer

Dogs are notorious for their boundless enthusiasm when it comes to outdoor excursions, and their paws serve as their trusty allies, guiding them on countless adventures.

Recognising the importance of paw protection, Ruffwear have shared their top three benefits of your furry friend wearing boots below.

The UK and Europe are experiencing some very hot heat waves, which can make pavements too hot to walk our dogs on.

1 Boots can prevent grass seeds and other seasonal allergies

Grass seeds are a big cause of problems in paws during the summer, as they can get stuck in hard-to-reach areas and cause a lot of irritation, causing your dog to nibble and chew at their paws. In fact, the dog experts at Ruffwear have discovered that Google has seen a 51% increase in searches in the last month for ‘why does my dog keep biting his paw’ as dog owners have noticed their pets doing this more often now we are in summer.

Dog boots such as Ruffwear’s Grip Trex are great to introduce to your dog if you find that after walks in the countryside or just the change in season is causing your dog to nibble at their paws. Boots are a good option to help minimise seasonal allergies, while also still keeping your dog comfortable and happy on their adventures.

2 They help to prevent slipping over when walking near water

Outdoor activities such as wild swimming are becoming more popular than ever before this summer, as new research by Ruffwear has discovered that Google has seen 24,000 searches for ‘wild swimming’ in the last month.

Many people are taking their dogs along on these new adventures, but sometimes the terrain can be a bit slippy for our four-legged friends. Rocks and paths surrounding the water can become slippery due to the build-up of algae and water erosion, making the paths slippery for both us and our companions.

Dog boots can be great for these watery adventures, as they provide more traction for paws to stop any slipping on rocks and mud.

3 They stop sand building up between pads

It’s no secret that dogs love going to the beach, but this does mean one thing: sand, and lots of it! A lot of beaches in the UK enforce a dog ban on certain parts during the summer months, which lasts typically from May to September, however, this is usually a certain stretch of beach and you should be able to take your dog to a certain part, just remember to check before you go.

When your dog is playing on the beach and going in and out of the sea, sand can sometimes build up between paw pads causing slight irritation. Dog boots can be a great option for dogs that have sensitive skin and whose paw pads get irritated easily, but just remember to wash them once you are home.

How to introduce your dog to boots for the first time

It’s important to understand that some dogs won’t be used to wearing boots and may find it uncomfortable. When you first get your dog, introduce boots to them slowly from the very beginning, especially if you live in an area where the terrain can be harsh on paws. You can do this by allowing your dog to sniff the boot and get used to the scent, and trying the boot on for small periods of time. This will help build your dog up to getting used to wearing them, rather than putting them on for the first time and attempting to do a big hike.

As with anything, you need to make sure your dog is comfortable and happy with the accessory. If your dog shows signs of stress such as excessive panting, sneezing and paw licking, take off the boot and slowly work your way up to being able to walk in them.

Of course, not all dogs need boots. Some dogs are perfectly happy without them, especially if they’re only going to be outside for a short period of time. However, if you’re planning on taking your dog on long walks or hikes in extreme weather, or if your dog has sensitive paws, boots can be a good way to protect them.


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