
Research reveals 54% of British pets get injured over Christmas

Suffering burns from a fireplace, swallowing pine needles and drinking alcohol are some of the accident’s British pets have endured over previous festive seasons reveals new research by Vetster.

Over half of British pet owners (54%) admitted that their animals have been injured over holidays past, as vets urge owners to be on guard this year.

The findings by the digital platform which connects licensed veterinarians with pet owners, virtually, showed that top injuries over the festive season included pets playing and eating baubles (17%), followed by fur babies eating food they shouldn’t (14%). Pets getting distressed by too many guests were also top of the list, followed by pets climbing Christmas trees (11%) and ripping open presents under the Christmas tree (11%).

Moreover, 5% of owners have caught their animal’s drinking alcohol, (5%) of pets have been burnt by an open fire and 4% said their animal had swallowed pine needles from the Christmas tree. 16% of pet owners had to take their animal to the vet after it was injured over the festive period.

Dr Jo Myers, a practicing veterinarian at Vetster, said: “It’s really important to keep an extra eye on pets over Christmas. Many will find the period quite stressful with new faces in and out of the house and lots of noise as excitement levels start to escalate.

“Ensuring pets are supervised and have a safe place to retreat to when it all gets too much will help reduce the risk of accidents. It’s also vital that harmful foods such as chocolate are well out of reach, along with candles which may catch a waggy tail.

“Pet owners should also tell their guests not to feed an animal unless they ask first to not only reduce the problem of ingesting something bad, but also to ensure the animal sticks to its usual diet which is key to managing their stress.”

While keeping a dog out of harm’s way at Christmas can be stressful, the research showed some owners are only too happy to have the animal around and use them as excuses for their own Christmas mishaps.

Almost one third (28%) admit to walking the dog to take a break from Christmas guests and more than one in 10 (12%) have opened a present early and then blamed it on the dog.


Dr Jo Myers, a practicing veterinarian at Vetster reveals her five tips to keep pets safe this Christmas:


The run-up to Christmas often means a busy house with new faces for your pet to meet. Some dogs will no doubt enjoy these seasonal greetings, but cats tend to scarper. Ideally a well-trained dog won’t be jumping up and licking the face of each visitor, but will no doubt still be excited. If it all becomes a bit much, dogs will benefit from some alone time as they calm down. Children need to be warned that forcefully cuddling any animal can induce stress and if a pet decides to take itself into a quiet room, it shouldn’t be disturbed. Sticking as closely as possible to the pet’s usual routine will help to quell its stress levels so don’t be tempted to walk your dog less just because it’s chilly outside and you’re keen to return to your guests.


It’s really important to talk to your guests about your pet’s diet. Watch out for those chocolates dangling on the Christmas tree and keep them well out of reach. Keep other festive foods like mince pies and blue cheese out of reach and tactfully ask your guests not to feed your pet at all. The same goes for cats. Most people think it’s fine to give them milk, but drinking enough can make them sick and it does not give them any health benefits. In a recent survey, Vetster found only 38 percent of pet owners are ‘very confident’ when it comes to knowing what their pet can and cannot eat. It’s always important to check whether a food is safe before scraping Christmas leftovers into your pet’s bowl.

Harmful injestables

It’s not just human treats which need to be considered: Ingesting Christmas tree parts or knocking them over can also cause problems. While these will most pass without an issue or maybe cause a little vomit or diarrhea, eating a large amount could cause more serious problems like a blockage. Monitor for signs of this, such as salivation, excessive vomiting or diarrhea or abdominal pain, in which case, book an appointment with Vetster and seek help from a vet immediately.


Fairy lights look great strewn around pictures and mantelpieces, but as with all electrical equipment, they should be used with care. As they twinkle and dangle, pets may naturally be drawn to them, and may be tempted to chew them. They are especially a risk to pets who are likely to chew through them or get hung up in them, so it’s best to keep them well out of reach and unplug them if you’re leaving your pet unattended in the room. Electrocution causes burns to the skin, but it can also be fatal. Candles also pose a risk and can be easily knocked over by a waggy tail or a prowling cat.

Don’t forget your rabbit

With the colder temperatures, your rabbit may need the equivalent of a hot water bottle to stay warm and toasty. There are plenty of options for chew-proof heat pads and the hutch should be checked over for any cracks and holes to ensure it remains draught-proof. It’s tempting to bring a rabbit inside at Christmas, but this can cause chaos if the animal isn’t used to being let loose indoors. Stress in rabbits can kill and increased levels of noise and excited children at Christmas time is dangerous. You’ll also need to watch out for the added dangers of any munching on Christmas lights and nibbling on human food, so if your rabbit hasn’t previously roamed around the house, the festive period is not the time to try this out.



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