
The 5 things you need to consider when taking your dog to the beach

A quintessential British summer holiday has always had a beach day, and including your pet in the fun is something many families want to do.

Whether you’re heading to your local stretch of beach or journeying further afield for a weekend trip, the UK is full of beautiful coastlines to enjoy with your four-legged friend. However, the coast harbours many hidden dangers for your pup. Grain free dog food brand Barking Heads share some top tips for a fun and safe beach trip with your furry friend.

Check the tide times

It’s important that you are clued up on the local tide times before walking along the beach so you don’t get cut off by the sea while you’re wandering the sandy shores. Tide times vary depending on where you are, so check for the signs when you’re out or check online beforehand and keep an eye on the time to avoid getting caught out.

Watch out for potential dangers

If your route takes you near cliff edges or fast-flowing water, keep your dog on a lead to prevent them from putting themselves in any danger. Avoid walking right below cliffs on beaches in case of falling stones. If your dog gets stuck in the mud, quicksand or the sea, don’t go after them yourself. Call 999 or 112 and ask for the coast guard to get them out safely without putting yourself in danger too.

Unfortunately, not everyone picks up after themselves, meaning the coast can be scattered with litter and leftover food. Stay vigilant and keep your dog away from any patches of rubbish which may contain broken glass or potentially toxic foods, as well as used BBQs, which may still be hot and could burn your pooch.

Protect your dog’s skin

Just like us, some breeds of dogs are prone to sunburn, especially those with fair fur. Be sure you lather them up in dog-friendly sun cream. Avoid using human-grade sun cream, which may irritate your pooch’s skin. If you’re sitting down in the sunshine for a while, try to bring some shelter or find a shady spot for your dog to lie down and relax in. This will help prevent them from overheating and potentially developing heat stroke.

Stock up on snacks and water

Exploring the coast can be tiring work. Make sure you’ve stocked up on plenty of food and water for both you and your dog to avoid them becoming weak and dehydrated, and as a snack pack a bag of delicious treats to keep your pooch going on the beach.

Keep in contact

Many use the coast to unplug and unwind, but keeping in touch is important for the safety of both you and your pooch. Mobile signals can be a bit hit-and-miss on the coast, so be sure you always let someone know where you’ve gone and when you’re due back. If you’re planning on exploring a specific route, send it to a friend or family member so they can direct help to you should you need it. Additionally, avoid going off set walking routes along cliff faces and coastal lines as you may run into a variety of potential dangers such as unstable rockface, quicksand and falling debris, which are dangerous for you and your pup.

Keep these in mind when packing your sun cream and sun glasses for a fun and safe time at the beach with your pet. If you do find your pet in a spot of trouble, make sure to call for help and see a vet for medical assistance if needed.


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