
The worst dog breeds to share a bed with, revealed

A new survey has revealed the pooches most likely to take over their owners’ beds.

In honour of the household’s favourite pet, Bensons for Beds’ latest survey reveals the top ten dog breeds that take up the most space when they try and ditch their own doggie beds.

Top Ten Dog Breeds Most Likely To Take Up Bed Space

1. Cocker Spaniel

2. Beagle

3. Miniature Schnauzer

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

6. Shih Tzu

7. Boxer

8. Hungarian Vizsla

9. Dachshund (Mini or Regular)

10. English Springer Spaniel

A survey of 1,000 dog owners across Britain reveals that Cocker Spaniels are the dog breed most guilty of taking up space in their humans’ beds – averaging almost two weeks in the bed a month.

In fact, spaniels accounted for one-third of the top ten list – so prepare to be fighting for space if you’re a spaniel owner!

Coming in second, third, fourth and fifth Beagles, Miniature Schnauzers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Staffordshire Bull Terriers averaged the equivalent of 11 nights in the big bed in a single month. Other household breeds that ranked in the top twenty included Labradors, Pugs, Golden Retrievers and Bulldogs.

The proud owner of Miniature Schnauzer, Woody, Amy Forster commented, “It’s no surprise to me as a Miniature Schnauzer owner that they’re one of the top culprits for stealing space in the bed! Our one-year-old dog, Woody, is always fighting for space in the bed whenever he gets a chance. He’s even been known to try and snuggle up on the pillow beside me!”

Dog-proofing Your Bedroom

Whilst it may be tempting, experts advise keeping the pup away from your sleeping space as much as possible. In fact, according to our resident Sleep Expert,  Dr Sophie Bostock: “Many people sleep with their pets believing that it helps them to relax, feel more secure and to sleep better. Research evidence suggests that people who share their beds with a canine companion or a feline friend take longer to fall asleep, have more disturbed sleep during the night, and are more likely to wake up tired. “

However, we know how easily these cute family members can cuddle their way in. That’s why Bensons’ BedGuard™ includes pet damage insurance, so you’re covered when your pup does more than take up space on the bed.

For more assurance that any pet-related accidents won’t ruin your bed, Bensons’ in-house expert, Sarah Harris, Head of Design and Development advised, “Protecting your mattress is vital for everyone, but it’s especially important if you’re a pet owner. To keep any toilet accidents or fur shedding from affecting your mattress make full use of a waterproof mattress protector. You can also add a blanket, especially for your pet on the bed that can be easily cleaned and also keep on top of your bedding laundry regularly to stop the build-up of dust.

If you are struggling for space, maybe it’s time to level up your bed with a super king-size bed, instead?”


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