
Your Christmas decorations could be fatal for your pooch, experts WARN

With Christmas less than 50 days away, the decs are going up! Lost in the festivities, you might not pay too much thought to your furry friends’ relationship with your Christmas decorations, but it is imperative that you do.

Pooch & Mutt’s in-house veterinary surgeon, Dr Linda Simon, has shared a few warnings around some of the Christmas decorations that could result in vet trips and some that could even be fatal, to ensure a safe and stress-free Christmas for you and your pooch!

The Christmas tree

First and foremost, the Christmas tree, potentially the most important decoration of all. For many, a fake tree is just not an option, and thankfully for those, most live trees used at Christmas such as fir, pine and spruce are non-toxic to dogs.

However, non-toxic, real trees are not without their risks. Falling needles are the biggest issue, as they can get stuck in paws, irritate your pet’s mouth and also cause tummy upset if eaten in large quantities.

If you water your tree with fertiliser or plant food, there’s also the risk of your pooch drinking toxic water from the plant pot or plate that could make them ill, or in the worst case, could be fatal.

If you’re not confident that you can train your dog to stay away from these tree-posed hazards, then it might be best to opt for a fake tree, and if that still isn’t an option, then invest in a tree barricade to keep your dog away.

Glass baubles

Although not always the most desirable, opting for plastic baubles might be the best option if there are wagging tails and curious mouths about.

Fine glass baubles pose a pretty serious risk if they were to smash from either falling or an overzealous pooch exploring with their mouth. Ingesting any broken pieces could be painful and dangerous for a number of reasons. Cuts in the mouth or on the paws are the minor result, with throat and internal lacerations being the worst-case scenario – a risk worth avoiding if you can!

Natural garlands

Often draped over a fireplace, natural garlands are also a popular festive decoration. If hanging too low, garlands could be quite tempting to pull or gnaw on for a curious pooch. Whilst most don’t pose too much of a risk, avoid hanging garlands made from holly or mistletoe as these are toxic if ingested by dogs, and could be fatal if consumed in large amounts.

Fake snow

A lot of artificial trees come with a scenic dusting of fake snow – this isn’t so pleasant however if it finds its way into your dog’s stomach. Though the ingredients in fake snow vary, some can be toxic to dogs – so to be safe, avoid ‘snow-covered’ artificial trees and stick to ones with bare branches.

Edible decorations

Chocolate baubles are a Christmas novelty for children but be warned, your four-legged friends might also want a look in! Widely known, chocolate is toxic to dogs, so it is important that you ensure your dog doesn’t get their paws on them. Either train your dog to understand the ‘leave it’ command, or place any chocolate decorations at the top of the tree out of reach.


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