
Winter blues: Do pets get SAD?

In winter months, a lack of sunlight and spending more time indoors due to bad weather can result in something called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Just like us, pets can be affected by the loss of sunlight in winter. In fact, a study by the PDSA found that one-third of dog owners notice the signs of depression in their dogs during the darker months of winter.

Depression in pets can be common and there are several factors that can impact their mood and behaviour, such as changes to routine, their environment or even fears and phobias.

Pet depression symptoms can be very similar to those in people, which can include:

Withdrawn – they may be less enthusiastic for exercise of joining in with things they enjoy.

Lethargic – your pet may sleep more than usual.

Loss of appetite – they may lose interest in food or not be eating as much as normal.

Unable to settle – pets may appear restless, not sleeping well or as deeply as normal.

If you are worried about changes in your pet’s behaviour, it is important you consult your vet, as these changes may be a result of a health problem.

Why do pets get depressed?

 The two most common triggers of dog depression are the loss of a companion animal or the loss of their owner. However, there are several other reasons they could be depressed or sad which include:

Changes to their environment

Pets like routines and are the happiest when they feel confident and safe in their environment. Dramatic changes in the home, such as building work or renovations, or even reorganising rooms could leave your pet feeling anxious.

Changes in the family

Pets bond very strongly with their family, including all members. Changes to the family dynamic, such as divorce, bereavement (animal and human), or children leaving home could lead to your dog being depressed. Dogs especially don’t understand where their furry friend or their best human friend has gone.

However, it’s not just grief that can affect a pet’s mood. If you are not at home as much anymore, maybe you’ve returned to work after a long absence or the kids are going back to school, this could also impact their mood. Separation anxiety in pets is a common problem.


Through winter, especially during long, cold, wet days, it can be hard to give your dog the exercise they need, and lack of exercise or activity could lead to boredom and mood changes in your dog. Not being able to do things they are used to can result in behaviour problems which may present themselves as symptoms of depression.


Sometimes depression may not be caused by any mental or emotional issues. It could be down to a physical cause, such as pain or illness. Speak to your vet if you are worried about your pet, they will be able to check for any underlying health problems and are best placed to offer advice.


All animals are different, and some are just bouncier and happier by nature than others. If your pet seems quieter and more withdrawn, it may just be down to their nature and breed. Do some research on your pet’s breed to find out what things they may enjoy and how you can enhance their life and mood.

When to seek help?

 If your pet’s mood or behaviour has changed suddenly and you can find no reason why this may be happening, speak to your vet who can check for any underlying causes and rule anything out.

How to help your pet

Let the light in

With sunshine limited in winter months, make the most of the daylight on offer by leaving your curtains open in the late morning and early afternoons to bring daylight into your home. Artificial lighting can also be used if needed to trick your pet into thinking it’s summer.

Get moving

It might be cold, wet and miserable outside, but getting outdoors for some much-needed fresh air and exercise can help lift yours and your pet’s mood.

Encourage indoor play

If it’s too cold to get outside, play games indoors to encourage movement and exercise. If your four-legged friend is prone to joint stiffness, taking some time out to play can help keep their joints mobile and relieve boredom.




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